Scientific Analytical Calorimeter Solutions

Caring for the CAL3K Bomb Vessel

The following information applies to the : CAL3K-AP , CAL3K-A , CAL3K-F

The following care and storage instructions should be followed when using the CAL3K Bomb Vessel:

  • Check the lid o-ring for any cracks every now and then. Also check if there are any chunks (deterioration) on the o-ring material. This could cause the bomb vessel to not seal effectively.
  • Check the nipple o-ring on the calorimeter for any cracks or deterioration.
  • Remove the deflector plate after every firing and wipe with a clean paper towel to remove any moisture. Any moisture left from the previous determination could affect the results. Check both sides of the deflector plate for moisture. Wipe the underside of the deflector for any residue.
  • Wipe the inside of the bomb vessel with a clean paper towel after every determination.
  • Note : If there is a large amount of residue left on the inside of the bomb after a firing, this means that the burning of the sample was incomplete and inconclusive. In this case the sample did not burn effectively or has non-combustible parts.
  • Water can be used to clean the inside of the CAL3K vessel, however DO NOT SUBMERGE THE VESSEL IN WATER. DO NOT soak the vessel in water. Use a light non-abrasive liquid soap to clean the inside of the vessel and wipe out with a clean paper towel.
  • Do not use any abrasive materials on the bomb vessel i.e. sandpaper.
  • Grease the nipple o-ring on the calorimeter every now and then with DDS GREASE. DO NOT use any other grease! (Warning! Any grease not supplied by DDS is explosive and could be dangerous. Only use genuine DDS supplied parts and consumables.)
  • Store the CAL3K bomb open (remove the bomb lid and lid assembly from the bomb body). Do not close the lid when storing the bomb vessel . Storing the bomb vessel open will dry out any residual moisture on the lid assembly that could have resulted from a previous determination. Leave the bomb vessel open to dry.


  • Wipe the inside of the bomb vessel out with paper towel after every firing.
  • Wipe both sides of the deflector plate for any residue and moisture after every firing
  • Wipe the crucible for residue and moisture after every firing.
  • Store the vessel with the lid open.


The CAL3K is a complicated ‘beast’. It has options for just about everything. This is overwhelming to say the least. So, what is really important to measure the first sample?

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A word about ‘VESSEL’ and ‘BOMB’. Traditional the apparatus is called a ‘BOMB CALORIMETER’, because the combustion cylinder looks like a ‘bomb’.

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A word about ‘VESSEL’ and ‘BOMB’. Traditional the apparatus is called a ‘BOMB CALORIMETER’, because the combustion cylinder looks like a ‘bomb’.

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