The new CAL3K calorimeter system has been designed to make the operator's work easier. This starts with restricting the day-to-day operation to a few keystrokes and making use of the function keys. The entering of a key command is assisted with a "look ahead" and auto complete feature. With the introduction of fault finding in the field it is easier for the operator to detect errors on the system as they occur and to easily correct them with self-help steps.
The operator is informed on the progress and on abnormal conditions with numbered warnings e.g. " M350: CALIBRATION OUT OF RANGE! CALIBRT!
The user is encouraged to run a complete system checkout every day. This field test is performed via the keyboard without a PC, by pressing "F9" and typing "YES" on the keyboard.
All units are equipped with a HELP (F10) feature. It explains what the problem is, what the consequences are, and how to get around it.
All units have a very extensive factory and field testing capability. The field test can performed by the operator without any tools. The result of the field test is logged. If the test fails, appropriate subject help (F10) advice is available for each of the tests.
The CAL2K Bomb Calorimeter series has been around for over 12 years and it has become the standard/benchmark for others to follow. The CAL2K Calorimeter range consisted of an ECO Calorimeter, E2K Calorimeter and the CAL2K Bomb Calorimeter Systems.
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