Scientific Analytical Calorimeter Solutions

The Ultimate Guide to Calorimetry: Mastering Key Concepts (How Tos)

Calorimetry Concepts: How To

The below links cover a wide range of concepts that aim to teach you how to preform calorimetry using our calorimeters and associated technology

How to Adjust the Sample Mass for Different CV

The CAL3K needs to operate at the calibration conditions. Since it is measuring the temperature rise during the burning…

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How to Handle Calibrations

A calibration is needed for every vessel and every operating condition. During a calibration many variables are saved, such as Ambient temperature, Heat capacity and how the vessel ‘reacts’...

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How to Handle Difficult Samples

A difficult sample is one which causes grief. This is indicated when: The results are not consistent, The sample doesn’t ignite, The CAL3K..

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How To Measure Low CV Samples

Low Calorific Values are measured when substances are tested for their energy contribution to a fire. This is required for airline..

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How To Measure Powdery Samples

Powdery substances like Saw dust, flour, or Benzoic Acid powder will burn violently and ‘scatter’ part of the sample material...

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How To Measure Powerful Samples

Powerful samples have a very high CV. The highest (nongaseous) is Kerosene at 48Kj/g. All the fuels are not far behind and fat is 37Kj/g. Note that Dynamite is not powerful but fast burning...

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How To Measure Samples With High Moisture

The moisture content of a sample affects the result directly: a 1% difference in moisture will make a 1% difference in the result. The CAL3K ...

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How To Measure Spiking Accessories

Spiking is the method where a known substance (The Spike) is burned together with the unknown sample to....

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How To Measure The CV Of Cotton Thread

This is a difficult operation because the cotton cannot be ignited without the firing wire (energy). Before the cotton can be measured perform...

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How To Measure the CV of Gelatin Capsules

The gelatin capsule (part number 3K-4-068) is used for powdery substances and during spiking...

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How To Measure the Firing Energy for Different Wire

The sample is ignited by sending a high current through the firing wire which heats the wire to approx. 800 degrees °C. This intern...

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How To Measure Volatile Samples

Volatile samples are alcohols and acetone. Some fuels have a volatile component as well. If the sample evaporates between the weight-in and the ignition then the evaporation must be stopped...

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How to Check a Misfire

The CAL3K measures, in broad terms, the temperature rise in the vessel when a sample is burned. The sample is ignited (fired), and when it doesn’t ignite then we call it a ‘misfire’...

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