Scientific Analytical Calorimeter Solutions

CAL3K Bomb Vessels

CAL4K-4 Thread Type Bomb Vessel Diagram

The sensors are embedded in the vessel walls. The electronics are located in the bottom of the vessel and are vacuum encapsulated to prevent any liquid or dust from affecting the temperature measurement. The temperature is measured with platinum sensors, which are near linear, and the readings are linearised to become absolute linear. This is a major advantage as the vessel can be fired at any temperature and remains perfectly calibrated. The temperature measuring range is 5 to 70 Celsius. A typical determination rises the vessel temperature by approximately 10C.

The temperature sensors are stable at a working resolution of 0.000001°C or 1 part per million. To put this into some kind of perspective: it is very little. The electronics in the vessel consume a constant of about 0.04Watts, which is automatically corrected for. Because the electronics work at the same temperature as the vessel the overall temperature (rise) accuracy is in the range of 10ppm (0.00001).

What does all this mean in real terms?

The theoretical electronic accuracy related to 26Kj/g is 0.0003Kj/g. Of course, this is not the accuracy you can expect on the final result, which is subject to moisture, sample preparation, sample consistency, weighing and operator procedure, and a lot of other influences. Basically, the CAL4K_4 vessel can be used for extremely accurate results, but is limited by its use.

The vessel tests itself every time it is inserted into the bomb well. The results are reported back to the calorimeter for storage and displaying. The vessel electronics are tested three times in the factory - after assembly, then after 24 hours oven burn-in, and then finally after packaging. All the times are recorded in the vessel memory together with such information as: Customer, Assigned Serial Number.

Vessel testing happens every time it is inserted into the bomb well. The results are stored and reported back to the calorimeter. This is amazing. Each vessel has its own statistics, from o-ring count, firing wire change, misfires, maximum temperatures and the test results.

Another great benefit will be the machine assembled vessel control card (the "brain"). Improved quality and reliability. The vessel electronics are now tested three times in the factory - after assembly, then after 24 hours oven burn-in, and then finally after packaging. All the times are recorded in the vessel memory together with such information as : Manufacturer, Dealer/ Agent , Customer, Assigned Serial Number.


The CAL3K 4K-4 Thread Type Vessel is compatible with the following oxygen calorimeter systems :

Feature Description
Reduced Thermal Mass Thermal mass reduced by approx. 50% gives more resolution and is easier to handle.
Screw (Thread) Cap Aluminium Lid Screw (Thread) Cap aluminium lid for fast opening and closing
Improved Resolution Greatly improved temperature resolution of 1ppm gives improved accuracy.
Reduced Interference Greatly reduces noise interference of <10ppm gives very stable results.
Improved Self-Testing Improved factory, field and self testing
Operational History Vessel operation history available
Calibration History It holds the history of up to 70 calibrations
Linear Temperature Sensing Very linear temperature sensing allows two determination without cooling
Improved Parameters Improved setup parameters and temperature calibration
Calibration Fields 7 Calibration Fields
Average Calibrations Maximum of 10 calibrations per field
Temperature Recording Maximum Temperature Recording
Limit Settings Inspection warning and limit settings
Inspection Records Inspection Records
Safety Feature Vessel will not fill with oxygen if the lid is not properly sealed

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