Scientific Analytical Calorimeter Solutions

Calorimeter Systems

Find Your Perfect Calorimeter: 5 Powerful Models to Boost Your Analytical Capabilities

The DDS Bomb Calorimeter range is engineered to address your toughest analytical challenges. Whether you’re in need of quick, precise analysis, planning to scale your laboratory with a flexible budget, or simply looking for a seamless experience, our powerful and robust bomb calorimeter systems are the answer. Improve your analytical throughput and manage everyday needs with ease with our systems. Order now and enhance your lab’s performance with DDS Calorimeters!

Explore Our Calorimeters for Sale and Improve Your Analytical Workflow Today!

CAL3K-F University Package for educational institutes

University / Educational Institutes Package

Most affordable entry level systems specially designed for the University and Educational Institute applications. If you require an affordable entry level / standard calorimeter that is easy to use and achieves accurate results then the systems offered in this package are for you. Options include 2 / 6 samples per hour.

CAL3K-A Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter


The CAL3K-A is one of our faster calorimeter systems and is ideal for high sample throughput with more than 10 samples per hour. It uses a combination of the Isothermal and Adiabatic calorimetry methods and is still waterless.

CAL3K-AP Bomb Calorimeter


Our top of the range product is our faster calorimeter in the CAL3K range. The CAL3K-AP has a sample repeat speed of 4-6 minutes per sample and can handle more than 10 samples per hour for faster throughput.

CAL3K-F Calorimeter


The CAL3K-F is a flexible system for low to high throughput without compromising on accuracy and repeatability. Start off with the entry-level system containing the calorimeter, bomb vessel and oxygen filling station, and grow your system as your budget grows to an advanced system containing 2 air coolers and 3 bomb vessels.

CAL3K-S Bomb Calorimeter System


The CAL3K-S Bomb Calorimeter is a powerful entry level system for low throughput without compromising on accuracy and repeatability. The CAL3K-S calorimeter has a compact size, low energy consumption and boasts a large list of features with an unbeatable price tag.

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